Gunnfisher Weaponeering

Firearms Specialist | Gunsmith | Historian

My first blog post ever…..

This is mostly going to be a rambling journal about scout rifles, H.P. Lovecraft, extraterrestrials and how to outfit yourself for emergencies….even if those emergencies make no sense, because those are the worst ones. They are the worst ones because when they come true, they get really REAL, real quick. Apparently my first catastrophic, or disastrous event, happened way before I could even remember anything. My parents told me that the ocean rose up and threatened to consume our house, no kidding, the Blizzard of ’78. That’s off-subject a little, but honestly this is my first blog post ever, so I’m okay with that.

In all seriousness though, what I hope to accomplish with this blog is a little of what we hope to provide with our small business, some entertainment and “food for thought” aimed at likeminded individuals. No politics, no insistent ideals, no animosity….. Just ideas and dialogue.